Friday, November 29, 2013

FREE Reading for Kids

If you are looking for a great reading activity for kids, MIT has developed an amazing game that is quick and fun reading.  It helps kids analyze what they are reading and has a special focus on fact and opinion.  It is a great fact/opinion activity that gets students talking about what they are reading and it can be done all online.  It works on both PCs and iPADS.  It is a great interactive reading activity.

Click here for FREE Online Reading for Kids


  1. Great blog post. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. How young can a child learn how to read an amazing game from this app?

    1. I use this for my 4th grade class with the sound off. They usually work in pairs for a cool reading partner activity. The game will also read to students, so it could also be used as a listening activity for struggling readers. The reading level is 4th or above, but it is in graphic novel form so there is a lot of support for readers. I'm glad you found it useful.
